Blondo Street "Bench Marks"

Blondo Street has 2 benches between 102nd and 108th Street exclusive in the West Omaha area

More information on and photo of other "bench Marks" are available at the unofficial Omaha Bench Art website.
South West Omaha

Bench_081_A Bench_081_B Bench_087_A Bench_087_B
#81 Bonnie Manriquez
David Franklin
I’m at a turning point…
Amy Scott
102nd & Blondo, S/W
#87 David Williams
Leslie Prisbell
She liked to do the bus
stop at the bus stop.
JoDon’s/Dave & Janet Warren
108th & Blondo, S/W

Namd Street "Bench Marks"

Based on Gallery by MINO STUDIO

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The bar  above, lines under it and in description links by Steve R. Adams
Info below each photo row are from official "Bench Mark" Map.
Last Update April 5th, 2006 17:15 UTC (12:15 am CDT)